Conaway Motors can help with your car service in Marysville. We are dedicated to the idea that honesty should not be left by the roadside when it comes to auto repairs, or any other kind of business. Our mechanics put forth their best effort when it comes to putting your vehicle into good shape.
Car service can include many things, but one thing it should include is an oil change. Another component is putting your vehicle up on a lift so that our team can get a good look at the condition of the underside. It might include a tune-up, and it should definite include new filters everywhere that filters are applicable – oil, fuel and air. We can also hook your vehicle up to a state of the art diagnostic machine so that a computer can check the synchronization of the moving parts. Belts, hoses, and wiring might be checked. Tire rotation and checking the alignment are also items that could show up on the list, as well as lights, wipers and other small day-to-day parts that don’t actually affect the way your car runs, but are part of keeping it legal on the road. We might not catch everything, but we will certainly give it that old college try; because we want your vehicle to have the best care possible.
Call Conaway Motors at (425)905-2424 if it is time for your car service in Marysville. We will give it a thorough going over. Of course, if we turn up something major that isn’t on the normal list, we will get in touch with you before going ahead with repairs. We understand that everyone has a budget, and that some repairs might require some financial planning. However, regularly scheduled service can help prevent major repairs.