Look no further than Conaway Motors for auto service in Mukilteo. We’ve been working on cars in the area for a long time, and there’s a good reason for that. Our friendly mechanics are skilled and trustworthy. We can diagnose issues that you have with Domestic, European, and Asian model cars. We’ll give you a fair quote, complete the repairs, and do our best to be sure you are satisfied from beginning to end.
We Heart Cars
At Conaway Motors, we love cars! We are always learning more about how to fix and maintain vehicles of all kinds. Our mechanics are up to date in procedures for repairing automobiles from all major foreign and domestic manufacturers.
Our mechanics are trained well, and they have experience with all types of cars. They know the ins and outs of each car model – what to look for, what problems are common, and all the idiosyncrasies that are common with each manufacturer and model.
We have original manufacturer parts and accessories for most major models. So any part we replace will be of the same quality and specifications as the part that your car came with. We also have state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and tools. So our love of cars translates into the best, friendliest, and most skillful service for you.
Don’t Forget Maintenance
We want to protect the investment you have made in your car and keep it running smoothly and efficiently. We provide factory-authorized maintenance and tune-ups just for this purpose. Why go to the dealer when our experienced and attentive mechanics are here to do the same job for less money?
Be A Part of the Conaway Motors Family
At Conaway Motors, you are not just a faceless customer among hundreds of others. You and your car become part of our family. We pride ourselves on giving you the best auto service in Mukilteo. Call us today at (425) 905-2424. We’ll be thrilled to take care of you right away!