At Conaway Motors we would like to remind everyone of the importance of Exhaust Service in Mill Creek. Having an exhaust system that functions efficiently is not only important for the health of you, your family and the environment, but it also affects the efficient operation of your motor vehicle.
The catalytic converter on your vehicle helps to “re-burn” the fumes in your exhaust. This improves fuel efficiency, while keeping the environment cleaner. On top of that, the color of the fumes that come out of the tailpipe of your vehicle can tell you a lot about the engine health of your car or truck. If it is black, then something is stuck or clogged in the emissions system. If it is white – especially in summertime – then coolant is getting into the fuel system. If it is gray, they there is a good chance that oil is leaking into the combustion compartment. None of these things are good for your car, your family or the environment. Indeed, in many states, it is illegal for your exhaust system to be operating improperly – particularly in states that have high levels of smog. Your exhaust system also helps to cut down on unwanted sound – both inside the vehicle, and outside. Overall, your exhaust system makes your travel a more pleasant and more environmentally friendly experience. And that is good news for your family and for the world around you.
For all these reasons, stop by Conaway Motors for your exhaust service in Mill Creek. Our professional mechanics will be glad to diagnose any problems your motor vehicle might have with its exhaust system. Give us a call at (425)905-2424, and we will be glad to give your exhaust system a thorough check-up.