The timing belt is an essential part of an automobile engine and must be maintained and replaced regularly. Normal wear and tear on a timing belt means that it should be replaced at around 60,000 miles. Stripped teeth, belt tensioner failure, and broken fiber cores are a few of the major issues that can affect a timing belt. A failed timing belt can cause serious problems with your engine if it is not taken care of promptly. The timing belt is a crucial engine component that a vehicle cannot run without. It is important to properly install a timing belt so that the crank shaft and cam shaft operate in sync. Having your timing belt professionally maintained and installed is highly recommended. If you need Ford timing belt repair in Everett, look no further than Conaway Motors.
Here at Conaway Motors, we provide expert service and repairs for various automobiles. Our team is made up of ASE master certified technicians with manufacturer specific training. Our shop has the most advanced diagnostic equipment available to ensure your timing belt is calibrated properly. We are an industry leader in automobile repairs with the highest rated AAA approved shop. If you are looking for Ford timing belt repair in Everett, Conaway Motors offers excellent and reliable service. Contact us at 425-905-2424.