Conaway Motors can help you get your brake service in Everett. We specialize in European and Asian vehicles but are domestic certified. We have been a family-owned and operated business for fifty years, so you know that we will be there to back our work.
We’d like to remind our customers that with cold weather moving in at a rapid rate, it is a good time to be sure that your brakes are in tip-top working order. Brake service can include cleaning out the wheel cavity, replacing brake pads, or even topping up brake fluid for certain types of brake systems. It might mean adjusting settings or even replacing worn bearings in the wheel cavity. Nothing messes up your wheels or brakes like a collection of iron shavings from a damaged bearing. Keeping your brakes in good repair is an important part of keeping you, your family or friends and the people who share the road with you, safe. There is nothing scarier than tromping on a brake pedal and having no response to your action. While you can slow some vehicles by down-shifting while taking your foot off the gas, or you can even sometimes use the emergency brake, there really is no substitute for having your vehicle stop when you press that pedal.
Conaway Motors is more than glad to help you get your brake service in Everett. We understand just how important it is to you to have that stopping power. If your brakes feel a little mushy or if it has just been a while, give us a call at (425)905-2424 to set up an appointment for your vehicle right away. We will be happy to work with you to get your brakes into shape.