If you’ve ever been caught in a rear-end collision, or have barreled through a herd of deer on a dark, rainy night – you will most definitely appreciate brake assist technology! Imaging driving home after a grueling day at work, early winter, dark outside…bad enough in and of itself – right? Now, picture a herd of deer traipsing out of the woods, seemingly out of nowhere. There’s never enough time to stop, and it’s certainly no picnic choosing the smallest deer to minimize damage to your car! Mercedes-Benz and TRW/Lucas Varity designed an intelligent braking system that can help alleviate accidents in ‘quick-stop’ situations.
How Does Brake Assist Work?
Slamming on the brakes sends a signal to the brake assist system, which senses the speed and pressure applied to the brake pedal. Emergency indicated, maximum clamping power is directed to the calipers and brake pistons as the Anti Lock Brake System (ABS) pumps the brake pedal. This maximum braking, while maintaining control stops the car as much as 45% faster than an equivalent vehicle without brake assist. Bambi can continue on his way, and your car remains undamaged!
“even in critical situations, only about a third of drivers react appropriately and hit the brakes hard enough” (Robert Bosch, GmBH)
What if Brake Assist is Not Needed?
Mukilteo Mercedes Brake Assist is ‘driver adaptive’; learning your driving patterns and habits. This means the system ‘knows’ the difference between an ‘AHHHHHHHHHHHH’ braking moment and braking for traffic. Mercedes first offered this system in selected models in 1996; making brake assist standard equipment in all vehicles in 1998.
What’s Next?
By 2006, Mercedes had introduced radar brake assist called Brake Assist Plus. This system uses 2-radar systems to gauge relative speed and distance of objects (cars, deer, etc.) ahead. A visual and audible warning are both activated if imminent crash is detected. In 2006, the Pre-Safe Brake System was introduced which brakes if imminent front-to-rear collision is detected, and driver does not respond appropriately to audible warnings. In 2009, an automatic increase in braking power was introduced; at 1.6 seconds before imminent impact, if the driver has not responded to visual and audible warnings, the braking serves as yet another tactile warning system.
To assure the safest driving experience, always have your brake system (including ABS and brake assist) inspected on a regular basis.