If you are looking for a Saab service & repair shop near Snohomish, then look no further than Conaway Motors. We specialize in European and Asian made vehicles, but more than that we pride ourselves on being the repair shop where honesty is not left by the side of the road. Not matter the manufacturer, the make or the model, we deliver fair estimates and good workmanship.
Coming up in August 2017 is the Saab Owners Convention, on the 17th – 20th, in Pomona, California. It is a private function of the Saab Club of North America, and is open only to members and their families. However, if you wish to attend, you can purchase a $15.00 trial membership, that will be added to the convention fee. Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by at least one adult – no independent child registrations accepted.
It looks as if it will be a gala event. Attractions include the show field, vendor exhibits and parts swaps. There will also be various meetings and a Benefit Auction. Participants will receive a t-shirt, collector’s lapel pin, and a commemorative sticker as well as opportunities to win other items and a goody bag full of assorted give-away items. Best of all, there will be an array of Saab vehicles to admire.
Conaway Motors can help if you are looking for a Saab service & repair shop near Snohomish, call us at (425)905-2424. We offer the information about the Saab convention to our customers who might enjoy attending such a gathering. We know that your Saab is your pride and joy, and we are more than happy to help you keep it in best possible running condition. You might say that it is part of our specialty.