Conaway Motors can provide your oil lube and filter change as your Toyota repair service shop near Kirkland. ASE certified we were established in 1960. We enjoy AAA approval, are a member of NFIB, and have an A+ Better Business Bureau rating. Our motto is that we are the shop where honesty is not left by the side of the road. We give honest estimates, keep you in the loop through any changes necessary in the original quote, and provide quality workmanship for all repairs.
An oil lube and filter change is one of the most basic maintenance tasks for any vehicle, yet it is one of the most essential. As a vehicle runs, the oil circulates throughout the engine, picking up small particles of dirt, grit, metal bits and more. When the oil becomes too dirty is becomes more of an abrasive than a cleaning agent. Changing your oil periodically prevents grit from damaging the motor and other moving parts. By the same token the oil filter, having the job of filtering out all those little particles, eventually becomes clogged with gunk, and will need changed. Doing these two things together will help keep your tough little Toyota running.
Conaway Motors is happy to provide your oil lube and filter change as your Toyota repair service shop near Kirkland, just call us at (425)905-2424 to set up an appointment for your vehicle’s maintenance today. Toyotas are tough, but even they require routine maintenance. But if you take care of them, they will almost always get you home. Oil and filter changes are ordinary processes, but very important ones in prolonging the life of your vehicle, no matter what the make or model.