Conaway Motors can help you prepare for the road with an oil system service in Snohomish. Oil is a vital fluid for your vehicle. It allows all of the parts to move freely and it helps to prevent buildup of sludge on engine parts.
Unfortunately, as oil circulates through your motor, it picks up particles of dirt and metal bits that are created by engine operations. When it passes through the oil filter, much of this debris is cleaned from it before it recirculates. However, eventually, the filter also becomes clogged and grimy. Oil doesn’t move through it as readily. Furthermore, flexible hoses are part of this oil circulation system. Over time, the materials from which these hoses are made can biodegrade, allowing them to crack and leak. It is not difficult to replace them, and replacement is relatively inexpensive. An oil system service is one of the least expensive repair and maintenance jobs that can be done on your vehicle and is possibly one of the most neglected. Don’t let your vehicle become one of those sad, little orphan vehicles that are downed by accumulated engine grime in its oil.
Conaway Motors can help you prepare for the road with an oil system service in Snohomish. Just call (425)905-2424 today for an appointment with one of our mechanics. We can quickly have your oil changed, new filters installed and hoses checked and have you back on the road to the rest of your important day. At Conaway Motors, we don’t want anyone to be left by the side of the road – particularly not by a something that can be prevented through simple maintenance. We are here, and ready to help with changing oil, putting in new filters and checking hoses.