The issue of a cracked radiator starts out small, but can become a big problem when full failure occurs, leaving you to find qualified auto repair in Everett. The fluid inside the radiator is the coolant that keeps an engine running within its proper temperature range. That fluid can begin to operate under pressure at it heats up and begins to be pumped through the engine as the car drives.
If the radiator is cracked, eventually the pressure will make it wider and the coolant will leak out at a higher and higher speed. When the level reaches critical, the engine starts to overheat. Catastrophic failure of the engine block can occur within a few seconds at the critical friction point. Translation – bad things happen.
Conaway Motors Inc and our ASE-trained mechanics can spot a bad radiator and help a car owner avoid an engine failure before it becomes a big mess and destroyed car. Our service covers all maintenance and repair needs of local customers from oil changes to radiator repair.
At Conaway Motors, our technicians have the most up-to-date experience in servicing and repairing all major makes and models of vehicles. So there’s not a radiator problem they can’t handle or haven’t seen yet. For your next auto repair in Everett, contact Conaway Motors at 425-905-2424