Conaway Motors would like to remind our customers that it is easiest to take care of a brake repair in Snohomish at the first sign of trouble. With precipitation in the local forecast, now is a good time to get those brakes checked, as well as to get tires that have winter tread. That combination won’t prevent every skid but it can go a long way toward preventing accidents.
As the days grow shorter and the nights colder, the chance of freezing rain or snow increases. While the best advice anyone can give a driver, in situations such as going around icy curves, is to keep your foot off the brake and to let your vehicle slow naturally, some situations simply require braking. When those times arise, you want to have good stopping power. If your brake pedal has started to feel a little mushy, or it seems to take extra time to stop, now is a good time to let us take a look at your brakes and get them repaired – rather than waiting for that moment when you step on the brake pedal and discover that you don’t have any stopping power at all. We would rather repair your brakes than read about your brake failure in the newspaper.
Conaway Motors can help with your brake repair in Snohomish, just call us at (425)905-2424. Let us help you by taking care of those simple but essential repairs like replacing worn nbrake pads or topping up the fluid in hydraulic brakes. Because when it comes time to bring your vehicle to a halt, you want to have brakes that are ready. We care, so we are just reminding drivers everywhere: mushy brakes and balding tires are a bad combination when highways are wet or slick.