Conaway Motors Offers Reliable Brake Repair Services for Your Annual Inspection!

Conaway Motors Offers Reliable Brake Repair Services for Your Annual Inspection!

It’s no secret that your car needs to be checked annually as preventative care to maintain top-notch condition, especially when it comes to brake repair service in Mill Creek. However, most daily drivers have no idea what goes into annual inspections, but Conaway Motors is happy to educate you. We encourage you to ask questions and learn about your vehicle, especially if you don’t really consider yourself a “car person.”

Let’s focus on brake repair service for a minute:

Your brakes are an integral part of your car’s safety system. Getting your brakes checked and keeping them well-maintained is paramount to the overall safety of your daily driving experience.

The average set of brakes can last anywhere from 50,000 to 70,000 miles, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but wear and tear are dependent on many factors. While some brake repair needs are the same, not all of them meet the same criteria for wear and tear.

Mail carriers, for instance, will need brake repair and replacement a lot more than business commuters. Why? Because mail carriers often use their personal vehicles for work. The more use your brakes endure, the more wear and tear they will show.

Does Brake Repair Service Take a Long Time to Complete?

The length of time it takes to repair brakes depends on the problem. It could take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour for simple brake pad replacements. Other more comprehensive brake work could take several hours to complete, depending on the issue’s complexity.

Call Conaway Motors for More Info on Inspections and Brake Repairs!

At Conaway Motors, we are dedicated to your safety and security, so we aim to do a seamless job of helping you maintain your car. To schedule an inspection or ask about our brake repair service in Mill Creek, contact us at (425) 905-2424.