If you happen to be in need of car repair in the Mukilteo area, you can rest assured that Conaway Motors, Inc. will be able to take care of your Volvo vehicle. We are your answer whenever you need a professional Volvo service & repair shop near Mukilteo and we look forward to working with you.
We will always be committed to keeping your Volvo on the road and our highly trained technicians have what it takes to get the job done right the first time. Our business is about a whole lot more than the vehicles that we service. At Conaway Motors, Inc., we are constantly looking at ways that we can make your customer experience an exceptional one.
Our facility is fully equipped with all of the latest computerized diagnostic technology and everything that is necessary to not only service or repair your Volvo, but to also detect anything that could be a potential problem. All you have to do is set up a time to bring your vehicle in so that one of our highly trained service technicians can take a look at it.
Are you in need of genuine OEM Volvo parts or accessories? We also carry a full stock of authentic parts, so whatever you need, we can be sure you have it. If there happens to be something that we are out of, we will be sure to get it to you in a timely fashion so that your Volvo always has the parts and accessories that you need.
Call Conaway Motors, Inc. for the best Volvo service & repair shop near Mukilteo at (425)905-2424. Specializing in European & Asian, domestic certified! We look forward to working with you and showing you exactly what we have been making customers like you true believers in our work for over half a century.