You can rely on Conaway Motors – we are your Mini service & repair shop near Kirkland. If you do not own a Mini, you might be asking yourself, “Mini what? What’s a Mini?” A Mini is an electric or hybrid vehicle produced by BMC (British Motor Company) until the year 2000. These small cars are ideal for the urban commuter, combining small size with fuel efficiency and ease of operation. The same company produced the Austin and the Morris – technically, both minis.
Minis were not and are not all electric, but they are designed to maximize fuel efficiency and to make excellent use of small space. The original design was created by Leonard Lord, who detested the German bubble cars. He vowed to rid the streets of them. The first mini even shared motor oil between the transmission and the motor. The water-cooled motor was mounted transversely, with the transmission located in the sump. The efficient design allowed most of the coach to be used by passengers, rather than by mechanical devices. This makes the Mini a natural for use as an electric car because the compact design creates a light-weight vehicle compatible with the alternate fuel.
Conaway Motors is your Mini service & repair shop near Kirlkand, call us at (425)905-2424 for your service appointment today. Regular service visits help prevent those large repair bills and promote the efficiency for which your Mini is known. We specialize in vehicles that are made in Europe and Asia, but we will apply our dedication to all things mechanical to your American made vehicle, as well. We pride ourselves on having an excellent work ethic – which is why we style our shop as the place where honesty and good workmanship is not left by the side of the road.