When you follow along with a car maintenance schedule, you have the chance to prevent significant issues before they even occur. In addition to that, you can keep a detailed maintenance history report for the car that will also help you in the future for resale value. When it comes to 60k mile tune-up service in Mukilteo, you should only see the best to know you are getting the right services performed by professionals.
Why 60K Maintenance?
Service performed at specified intervals will be suggested for your vehicle in the owner’s manual. This is done for good reason, and you may even find it to be mandatory if you want to make sure that your vehicle’s warranty remains value. The fact is that what is required for your vehicle’s 60k maintenance might be different from that of another car. Different models will have varying requirements, so you need to talk with your service team about making sure that you follow along with the right schedule.
During a 60,000 mile service, it will include all of the services with a 30k service plus a little more. These are vital services that are required to keep the vehicle and all of the working parts running as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
When you bring your vehicle to us at Conaway Motors for your 60k tune-up, we will usually perform an oil change, replace and top-off the necessary fluids, inspect the various filters, check out your tires, inspect your brakes, and more. We will be happy to talk with you about all the services in detail once you call and give us the age, make, and model of your vehicle.
Contact us at Conaway Motors today about booking your 60k mile tune-up service in Mukilteo. We can be reached at (425) 905-2424 for scheduling.